The Scoop on Port Alberni is operated by Alberni Valley Media CCC, a social enterprise created for the sole purpose of providing valuable local news and information to the residents of the Alberni Valley.

What’s a CCC you ask?  Community Contribution Companies, or CCCs, are hybrid corporations that bridge the gap between for-profit companies and non-profit organizations. Similar to non-profits, CCC’s are setup to achieve a social purpose and must adhere to BC government law related to this.  A CCC is similar to a BC Company, but it must allocate at least 60% of its profit toward a social purpose and it must have at least three directors at the time of incorporation. If the CCC is dissolved, it must direct at least 60% of its value toward social purposes, with the remaining value to be distributed to investors. The Scoop On Port Alberni publishes on social media platforms as well as YouTube and this website.

Meet Our Directors

  • Terry Deakin

    Terry Deakin believes the greatest asset to our community is the people. Therefore, as a small business owner and social entrepreneur, Terry is committed to the social and economic development of the people who are most vulnerable in our community. With a focus on the environmental well-being of our community, Terry devotes her social enterprises to employment and training for people to build skills, strength, and confidence to transition to our community’s labour market.

    Terry has lived most of her life in Port Alberni and has owned INEO Employment Services for 25 years. As part-owner of Alberni Valley Media, adding this to her repertoire of social-minded businesses, Terry has a new avenue to support people and showcase the Alberni Valley as the best place to be.

  • Nancy Wilmot

    Nancy has lived and worked in the Alberni Valley since 1995, and spent 25 of those years working as an on-air producer and video journalist for Shaw Community Programming. A natural storyteller, she has a passion for the people in this community and brings an optimism and irrepressible cheerfulness to her work. Nancy is the lead producer and videographer for Alberni Valley Media. She was honoured to be named Port Alberni’s Citizen of the Year in 2014 in recognition of her work building community.

  • Michael Ramsay

    Michael Ramsay is Island-born and raised. He however has spent most of the previous two decades living and working in different cities across Canada in his role as a Salvation Army Officer. In his service with The Salvation Army Michael has been privileged to begin a few initiatives such as self-financing tutoring programs for marginalized children and adults; chaplaincy programs for hospitals; Transition through Incarceration, a program that greatly reduced recidivism rates among criminal offenders; shelters; meal programs and more. Prior to his work with The Salvation Army, Michael was an entrepreneur and began a number of businesses including Waves Magazine: the Journal of International Education, Havelock Education, and the Vancouver and Island Homestay Association. Michael is thrilled to join two such experienced and capable people as Nancy Wilmot and Terry Deakin as part of the Alberni Valley Media team.

Meet Our Team

  • Gerald Labute

    Gerald Labute has lived in Port Alberni since 1997 and began volunteering with Shaw Community Television shortly afterwards, working as a camera operator, an editor, covering City Council meetings, and producing his own half hour program “The Time Traveler”.  He brings those years of experience to his new role as volunteer videographer for Alberni Valley Media, covering weekend events for The Scoop.